Carole, I am a 53 year old woman taking Femmenessence. I had mentioned to my nutritionist that i was feeling lightheadedness, sleeplessness, and some weird head feelings so I cut back from 2 pills to one. Now it has been about 5 weeks. Last night was awful….heart palpitations, sweating profusely, little sleep. I have no idea why but obviously maca just does it’s own thing to each of us on our own time. Just two years ago I ended up in the Cleveland Clinic for a PVI due to the use of Astroganda and Shatavari–two other Chinese herbs that made my heart go electrically imbalanced! All I want to do is feel less menopausal and lose a couple of pounds in my belly! :). I think I’m stopping the maca for awhile or maybe for good. OH, I actually felt quite good some afternoons after taking it….energy, positivity, sexual. But not always….sometimes I felt queasy and lightheaded…couldn’t figure it out!